Joindex: Where Creativity Takes Center Stage at Jordan Build 2024

Get ready to step into a wonderland of design and innovation at Joindex, the dazzling event within Jordan Build 2024. This isn’t just an exhibition; it’s a celebration of interior design’s cutting edge, a playground for creative minds, and a launchpad for the future of living. Buckle up, because Joindex is about to redefine your design possibilities.

Mark your calendars, unleash your passion, and get ready to be wowed by Joindex! This isn’t just an exhibition; it’s an opportunity to elevate your design game, connect with industry icons, and discover the future of living, all under the vibrant roof of Jordan Build 2024.

Remember, inspiration awaits at Joindex. Don’t miss out!

This piece emphasizes the cutting-edge innovations, creative inspiration, connections with design leaders, knowledge sharing, and focus on sustainability and inclusivity within Joindex. As always, you can personalize it further by:

Mentioning specific trends, materials, or designers you’d like to highlight.

Adding a call to action tailored to your target audience (e.g., “Design professionals, network with your tribe” or “Homeowners, discover your next design obsession”).

Sharing any relevant details about the event’s program or participating companies.


Here’s why Joindex shouldn’t be missed:

  • Witness the Future of Design: Immerse yourself in a world where imagination takes flight. From furniture that transforms with a touch to kitchens that predict your needs, Joindex showcases the boldest innovations that will soon grace your homes.
  • Unleash Your Inner Design Rebel: Discover trends that will set your heart racing – biophilic havens, sustainable marvels, and smart technology woven into every stitch of your living space. Be inspired to embrace the unexpected and push the boundaries of your own design vision.
  • Meet the Design Titans: Network with renowned architects, interior designers, and tastemakers from across the globe. Learn from the masters, forge valuable connections, and collaborate to bring your design dreams to life.
  • Ignite Your Creative Spark: Attend inspiring workshops, talks, and demonstrations led by industry experts. Gain invaluable insights into the latest trends, materials, and techniques, ensuring you stay ahead of the design curve and leave with your creative fire stoked.
  • Beyond the Aesthetic: Joindex is more than just beautiful spaces; it’s a platform for sustainability, inclusivity, and community. Discover eco-friendly solutions, explore accessible design concepts, and be part of a movement that shapes a better future for living.
Participating sectors

Contracting, consulting, investment, engineering
and industrial companies


Jordanbuild will present the latest and best products in four different sectors,
allowing the specialized visitor to view these distinguished products
from all overthe world.

Our partners in success

Over the years,
Many local, regional and international companies
Have participated in the success of Jordan Build Exhibition